U p c o m i n g S h o w s
For Booking Information Please Email:
Roger Paul: rogerpaul@rogerpaulinc.com
Grisly Pear - Hosting
January 31st 7:00 pm
243 W 54th St., New York, NY
The Stand
February 1st 5:00 pm
116 E 16th St, New York, NY 10003
Primetime Comedy Club
Co- Headlining with Dave Columbo
February 7th 7:00 pm
359 US-130
East Windsor, NJ 08520
The Stand
​February 8th 6:00 pm
116 E 16th St, New York, NY 10003
Grisly Pear Midtown - Hosting
February 8th 9:00 pm
243 W 54th St., New York, NY
Grisly Pear Midtown - Hosting
February 14th 9:00 pm
243 W 54th St., New York, NY
Ticket Link Coming Soon
Grisly Pear Downtown
February 20th 10:00 pm
107 Macdougal St., New York, NY
Grisly Pear Downtown
February 26th 10:00 pm
107 Macdougal St., New York, NY
Show in Queens NY
February 28th 8:00 pm
More Info coming soon
Glove Box Comedy Club - Headlining
March 21st 7:00 pm
147 Hanover Street 2nd floor bar Boston, MA 02108
Westport VFW
April 11th (unconfirmed time)
465 Riverside Ave
Westport Connecticut
Ticket Link Coming Soon!
Co-Headlining with Lukas Arnold
Featuring Dave Columbo
June 27th 8:00 pm
The Emmaus Theatre
19 s 4th street Emmaus, PA 18049